Japan-India Summit Meeting (Summary)

October 10, 2024
[Provisional translation]

On October 10, commencing at 6.15p.m. (local time, on October 10, 9.45p.m.) for approximately 20 minutes, Mr. ISHIBA Shigeru, Prime Minister of Japan, who is visiting Laos People's Democratic Republic to attend the ASEAN-related Summit Meetings, held a Japan-India Summit Meeting with H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. The overview of the meeting is as follows.
  1. At the outset, Prime Minister Modi, referring to Prime Minister’s Ishiba’s past visits to India, offered his congratulations to Prime Minister Ishiba on his assumption of office and expressed his pleasure at having met with Prime Minister Ishiba soon after his assumption, as well as his intention to further work on strengthening Japan-India relations together. In response, Prime Minister Ishiba stated that thanks to the efforts of Prime Minister Modi and the people concerned of both countries, Japan-India relations have developed tremendously, and that he would like to further develop Japan-India relations under the “Special Strategic and Global Partnership.”

  2. Prime Minister Ishiba stated that he hopes to further promote cooperation in the fields of economy, security, and people-to-people exchange and he would like to move forward concrete cooperation in preparation for Prime Minister Modi's visit to Japan. In response, Prime Minister Modi stated that he would like to make progress in cooperation in the areas of defense, security, and economy, as well as to dramatically expand people-to-people exchanges with Japan.

  3. The two leaders concurred that Japan and India are “natural partners”, which share basic values such as democracy, and will continue to work closely together for peace and stability in the international community.

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