Basic Policy

October 1, 2024
[Provisional translation]

To realize politics that gains the understanding and empathy of the people, and to protect Japan, to protect the people, to protect local communities, and to protect opportunities for youth and women, we aim to build a society that brings safety and security to all. Under such strong determination, the Cabinet will mobilize its full resources to promote the following policies:

  1. Protecting Japan
    To protect Japan from the rapidly changing security environment, we will fundamentally strengthen our defense capabilities based on the National Security Strategy and other relevant frameworks. Furthermore, through diplomacy based on realistic national interests, with the Japan-U.S. alliance at its core, we will work to gather more friendly and like-minded countries, while enhancing both our diplomatic and defense capabilities in a balanced manner to achieve peace for our country and stability in the region.

    Under the vision of a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific," we will lead efforts to establish international norms based on the rule of law, further ensuring safety and stability in the region. We will strive for the return of abductees by North Korea and will also focus on improving the working conditions of Self-Defense Forces personnel. Moreover, we will prioritize strengthening economic security and enhancing cybersecurity.

    We will dedicate our full efforts to childcare support while also addressing the varying situations surrounding declining birth rates region by region. We aim to create local communities that attract young people and women, fostering a diverse and regionally distributed society.

    Standing on the principle that a sound economy is the foundation of fiscal health, we will prioritize breaking free from deflation in our economic and fiscal management. We will make bold investments in growing sectors, realizing a “growth-oriented economy driven by wage increases and investment”, while also improving fiscal conditions. We will shift from a cost-cutting economy to one that creates high added value, promote sustainable energy policies, and support innovation and startups, thereby achieving a robustly expanding and resilient economy and fiscal system that can withstand crises.

  2. Protecting the people
    We will increase productivity, added value, as well as real wages, to create a virtuous cycle of wage hikes and alleviate labor shortages.

    We will establish a flexible social security system that enables diverse lifestyles and a variety of life choices. We will dedicate ourselves to the recovery from large-scale disasters, including the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, while accelerating efforts in disaster prevention, mitigation, and enhancing national resilience. We will address major natural disasters and increasingly frequent and severe floods and storms, advancing the establishment of systems to protect the people.

    In the event of a crisis such as a large-scale natural disaster, terrorism, or an outbreak of an infectious disease, the government will prioritize the protection of the lives, health, and properties of the people, responding in a unified, agile, and flexible approach.

  3. Protecting local communities
    Based on the idea that “local regions are the main drivers of growth,” we will initiate the Regional Revitalization 2.0 initiative to address such challenges as an aging population and declining birth rates. We will formulate and implement a basic plan regarding our concentrated efforts. We will promote agriculture, fisheries, and forestry, while also working towards enhancing the added value in the tourism industry and fostering a country which is rich in culture and the arts.

  4. Protecting opportunities for young people and women
    We aim to create a society where everyone has access to optimal education while promoting initiatives that ensure women's participation in decision-making across all organizations. We aim to realize a society that prioritizes the happiness of both the youth and women, protecting their human rights.

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Archives (Archived entries for the 99th through 101th prime ministers)