Video Message by Prime Minister Kishida at the 10th Mount Fuji Dialogue

October 23, 2023
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[Provisional translation]


I am KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan.

I extend my sincere congratulations on the opening of the commemorative tenth annual meeting of the Mt. Fuji Dialogue.
The Japan Center for Economic Research, Japan Institute for International Affairs (Kokumonken), and many others have dedicated their support to this project until this day. My utmost respect goes to all of you.
Mt. Fuji has four climbing routes. The Yoshida-guchi route is the most famous one. There is a saying: "Climb Mt. Fuji from Yoshida-guchi." The key to success in a challenging task is facing it head-on, without trying to outsmart it.
For some time, I have emphasized that the international community is at a historic turning point and the free and open international order based on the rule of law that we have dedicated ourselves to upholding is now in grave danger.
Amidst global power shifts and escalating geopolitical competition, numerous problems are accumulating and leading to multiple crises. In this complex international situation, we must overcome differences in value and conflicts of interest and face up to each challenge through collaboration with allies and like-minded partners in order to bring about peace and stability in the international community and to safeguard our safety and prosperity.
Just as the climbing gets harder as we get closer to the top of Mt. Fuji, the various issues that the participants of Mt. Fuji Dialogue need to discuss are getting more complex and challenging. Even after ten iterations of this dialogue, even more difficult issues that both Japan and the United States must address keep emerging as we expand our horizon together. The two countries must continue working hand in hand as we play an even greater leadership role in the international community.
I am confident that the free and open discussions among the wide-ranging participants from industry, government, and academia will elevate the Japan-U.S. relations to a new height. I extend my wishes for the dialogue’s success towards the next decade, as well as for your health and success.
Thank you very much.


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Archives (Archived entries for the 98th through 100th prime ministers)