Statement by Prime Minister Kishida at the SDG Summit
[Provisional translation]
Mr. President,
Today, the international endeavor to achieve the SDGs is facing great difficulties.
We must return to the starting point of the SDGs; the promise to "Leave No One Behind". To do this, we need solidarity that transcends differences in politics and ideology. Here, I would like to emphasize “human dignity” as the core principle that underpins solidarity throughout the international community. On this principle, we must accelerate our efforts to achieve the SDGs and thereby open the way to our future. With this determination, I will accentuate the following three points:
First, Japan will continue to contribute to the efforts of the entire international community and lead the international society.
In this connection, at the G7 Hiroshima Summit in May, Japan, as the G7 Presidency, led the expression of the G7’s commitment to accelerate the comprehensive implementation of the SDGs.
The concept human security, which Japan has been advocating, is key to achieving the SDGs based on "human dignity." Japan will continue to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs under this concept.
Second, it is crucial that we support low-income and vulnerable countries. We also need to address the issue of the gap in development finance.
In this regard, Japan has taken the lead in committing to increase the channeling of SDRs and has made a significant contribution to meet the ambitious $100 billion target. Japan will continue to actively contribute to the evolution of the Multilateral Development Banks and other efforts. Furthermore, we will promote collaborations with the private actor.
Japan has placed focus on “investment in people” in low-income and vulnerable states. The entire international community needs to accelerate these efforts.
Lastly, I would like to introduce some of our efforts in Japan.
As chief of the SDGs Promotion Headquarters, I myself strongly lead initiatives for the achievement of the SDGs. Sustainable investment, including impact investment, has become popular. At the end of this year, we plan to revise our strategy for promoting the SDGs in accordance with the new stage.
Japan will continue to work toward achieving the SDGs, drawing on the wisdom of manifold actors at home and abroad.
Thank you for your attention.