Press Conference by the Prime Minister on the Attack Perpetrated against Former Prime Minister ABE Shinzo
July 8, 2022

[Provisional translation]
(On information Prime Minister Kishida has regarding the attack perpetrated against former Prime Minister Abe and how he regards it, and the attack's impact on political administration)
We have heard that a little before noon today, former Prime Minister ABE Shinzo was shot with a gun in Nara Prefecture and is now in serious condition. I understand that all-out emergency measures are being taken. First and foremost, I offer my heartfelt prayers that former Prime Minister Abe is somehow spared.
We are not yet fully aware of the background to this crime, but whatever it may be, it is a despicable act that took place in the middle of an election, the very essence of democracy, and is entirely unforgivable in my eyes. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms.
The Government will from now anticipate a full spectrum of possible scenarios and take every measure to enable it to respond appropriately.
All-out emergency life-saving efforts are being performed at this very moment, so I do not think now is the time to touch on any impacts this might have upon the future political situation, as you asked in your question, and moreover I myself am not thinking about that in any way.
In response to the current trying circumstances, the important thing first of all is to take thoroughgoing life-saving measures and for the Government to make preparations for all manner of measures so that it is able to respond to any possible situation.
(On responses to be taken today and responses impacting the election campaign from now)
As for what happens next, first, from now I intend to have all of my Cabinet members return to Tokyo. I will bring the Cabinet together for a meeting and we will confirm the situation that just took place. I will have us as the Government share the same response and I will have us confirm that.
And, as for the date of the upcoming election and so on, nothing has been decided so far. We will need to respond appropriately after getting a grasp on the future situation.