Japan’s Response to Russia's Aggression against Ukraine

May 11, 2022
[Provisional translation]

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I am KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan.

Russia's aggression against Ukraine is absolutely intolerable. Grave violations of international law, including the killing of innocent civilians, have occurred repeatedly. We will continue to impose sanctions and other measures alongside the G7 and other concerned countries to firmly demonstrate we will not tolerate these brutal acts.

The recent aggression has caused many innocent Ukrainians to be harmed. Many have been forced to flee their home country.

We actively support the people of Ukraine. Many municipalities, companies, organizations and individuals in Japan have accepted evacuees, made donations and contributed in other ways as part of their efforts to extend support. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their cooperation.

This is a critical moment for protecting world peace and the world order. Japan, in solidarity with the people of the world, must also play a role.

I ask each of you for your understanding and cooperation.

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