Statement by the Prime Minister

November 10, 2021
November 10, 2021
Cabinet Decision
[Provisional Translation]

Today, as a result of this latest general election, I once again have been given the honor of bearing the heavy responsibilities of Prime Minister of Japan. Under the Cabinet of the ruling coalition of the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito, I will devote all of my energy to responding to the mandate of the people.

I have been working on a series of efforts with a sense of urgency, starting with the formation of a Cabinet, which was followed by the snap general election. Now that we have gained the trust of the people, I would like to apply that sense of urgency to the implementation of our policies.

Our immediate priority is to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and to take economic measures.

At the same time, we will launch a new form of capitalism to realize growth, the fruit of which can be felt by each citizen. To this end, we will boldly make investment for growth and carry out reform while establishing and operating a new system for distribution.

We will also promote diplomacy and security that fully protect Japan’s peace and security and contribute to the world.

In implementing our policies, I promise three things to the people. Firstly, I myself will visit the frontlines in person, listen to the voices of the people, and reflect them in our policies. Secondly, I will aim to create a society that respects individuality and diversity. Thirdly and lastly, I will aim to create a society in which everyone helps each other.

While engaging in careful dialogue with the people, I will seek to realize politics that gains their trust and sympathy with a view to leading the way for all citizens to carve out a new era.

I sincerely ask for the understanding and cooperation of the people.

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