Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare

- Date of birth
- November 5, 1951
- Place of Birth
- Tokyo, Japan
- Political party
- Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP)
- Affiliation
- Member of the House of Councillors
- Constituency
- Tokyo District
Past career
- Mar. 1980
- Completed doctoral coursework in Political Science, Keio University Graduate School of Law, without obtaining the degree
- Mar. 1976
- Completed master's program in Political Science, Keio University Graduate School of Law
- Mar. 1974
- Graduated from Faculty of Law, Keio University
- Sep. 2023
- Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (Kishida Cabinet)
- Sep. 2020
- Deputy Chairperson, General Assembly of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Members of the House of Councillors (HC)
- Jul. 2019
- Reelected to the HC (25th regular election)
- Jun. 2019
- WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Universal Health Coverage (until Oct. 2022)
- Aug. 2017
- Chairperson, LDP Policy Board in the HC
- Aug. 2013
- Chairman, Research Committee on System of Government, HC
- Jul. 2013
- Reelected to the HC (23rd regular election)
- Dec. 2012
- Director, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, HC
Reelected to the HC - Sep. 2006
- State Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare (Abe Cabinet)
- Nov. 2005
- Director, Committee on Audit, HC
- Aug. 2004
- Director, Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, HC
- Nov. 2003
- Deputy Director, Health, Labour and Welfare Division, LDP
Deputy Chairperson, Research Commission on Tax Affairs, LDP - Mar. 2003
- Manager, Research Commission on Declining Birthrate Problem, LDP
- Oct. 2002
- Deputy Chairperson, LDP Policy Board in the HC
Director, Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, HC - Oct. 2001
- Deputy Chairperson, Research Commission on Social Security System, LDP
- Sep. 2001
- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, HC
- Jul. 2001
- Reelected to the HC (19th regular election)
- Nov. 1999
- Director, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, HC
- Jul. 1998
- Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Feb. 1998
- Director, Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defense, HC
- Oct. 1997
- Chief Secretary, Special Committee on International Medical Cooperation, Research Commission on Tax Affairs, LDP
Director, Committee on Foreign Affairs, HC - Jul. 1995
- Elected to the HC (17th regular election)
- Apr. 1995
- Professor, Tokai University
- Apr. 1994
- Deputy Director, Strategic Peace and International Affairs Research Institute, Tokai University
- Apr. 1987
- Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Tokai University
- Apr. 1983
- Full-time Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Tokai University
- Apr. 1980
- Assistant, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Tokai University