U.S.-Japan Tourism Event (Summary)

September 23, 2024
[Provisional translation]
At 5:30 p.m. local time on September 23 (6:30 a.m. on September 24, Japan time), a U.S.-Japan tourism event was held at Gotham Hall in New York City. Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio, who is visiting New York, attended this event held as part of the U. S.-Japan Tourism Year events, and promoted the charm of Japan's tourism, food, and sake. The outline is as follows:
[Event Result Summary]
On September 23 (local time), the Japan Tourism Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries co-hosted a U.S.-Japan tourism event in New York, which is drawing the world’s attention as the United Nations General Assembly takes place. The event was attended by approximately 250 people from the tourism industry, the media and the political and business world.
In his address, Prime Minister Kishida, who attended the event, expressed his expectation that tourism exchange further expands between United States and Japan in the U.S.-Japan Tourism Year of 2024. In addition, he introduced the Grand Roof (Ring) and pavilions for the EXPO 2025 OSAKA, KANSAI, JAPAN, and invited everyone at the venue to visit the Expo.
Dishes made with typical Japanese ingredients such as scallops (which are boosting exports), Wagyu beef, yellowtail and soy sauce from the Hokuriku region were served. In addition, sake from Hokuriku Noto, which was affected by the earthquake in January and also the recent heavy rain, was offered in Wajima-lacquered sake vessels. Furthermore, the event also conveyed the attractiveness of various parts of Japan, including the gold mine on Sado Island, which was registered as a World Heritage Site in July this year.
At the venue, there was a demonstration by the Japan National Women's Karate Kata Team (Kokushikan University), and a former sumo wrestler, KONISHIKI Yasokichi, was invited as a special guest to have a talk show, talking about charms of Japan including sumo, a traditional sport that Japan is proud of, creating excitement in the venue.

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