Meeting between Prime Minister Kishida and European Council President Michel (Summary)

September 22, 2024
[Provisional translation]

On September 22, commencing at 10:30 a.m. local time (at 11:30 p.m. JST), for approximately 20 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who was visiting New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly, held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Charles Michel, President of the European Council. The overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. Prime Minister Kishida stated that, through a series of meetings including the Japan-EU Summit and the G7 Summit, the Japan-EU relationship has become stronger than ever. He also expressed his gratitude to President Michel for his contributions in enhancing the Japan-EU relationship. In response, President Michel expressed his gratitude for Prime Minister Kishida's contributions through the G7 framework.

  2. President Michel expressed high appreciation for Japan's support to Ukraine. The two leaders exchanged views on the Japan-EU relationship and regional situations such as the Indo-Pacific and concurred on continuing to work closely together in various fields both bilaterally and within the G7 members.

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