Prime Minister Kishida's attendance at the “Quad Cancer Moonshot” launch event on the sidelines of the Japan-Australia-India-U.S. (QUAD) Leaders’ Meeting (Summary)

September 21, 2024

[Provisional translation]

On September 21st, commencing at 6:40 p.m. local time (7:40 a.m. Japan time on September 22nd), Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who is visiting Delaware, the U.S., to attend the Japan-Australia-India-U.S. Leaders’ Meeting, attended the “QUAD Cancer Moonshot” launch event hosted by the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States of America. In addition to Prime Minister Kishida, the Honorable Anthony Albanese, MP, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia and H.E. Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, who were both visiting the U.S., attended the meeting.

1. Prime Minister Kishida delivered his remarks, expressing his respect for President Biden's long-standing passion and efforts for combatting cancer, which culminated in the QUAD cooperation. Prime Minister Kishida also stated that it is becoming increasingly important to address various health challenges that have been stagnated by the COVID-19, and that dedicating efforts to health and safety in the region including combatting cancer is indeed a timely initiative.

2. Prime Minister Kishida also stated that Japan has been contributing to the Indo-Pacific region in combatting cancer by providing equipment, technical assistance, and support through international organizations and initiatives, as well as by advancing cooperation with each Quad country’s cancer-related institution. Furthermore, Prime Minister Kishida stated that Japan has contributed to the prevention and control of cervical cancer by providing medical equipment and facilities, technical assistance, and making contributions to international organizations such as Gavi, UNFPA, IPPF, etc., and Japan intends to continue similar efforts.

3. Furthermore, Prime Minister Kishida emphasized that the QUAD will work closely together with a view to combating cancer more effectively by combining their technologies and networking capabilities.

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