Japan – Papua New Guinea Summit Meeting (Summary)

July 16, 2024

[Provisional Translation]


On July 16, commencing at 6:10pm for approximately 20 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, held a Japan-Papua New Guinea Summit Meeting with Hon. Mr. James Marape, Prime Minister of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, who is visiting Japan to participate in the 10th Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM10). The overview of the meeting is as follows:

  1. Prime Minister Kishida stated that at PALM 10, with the cooperation of Prime Minister Marape, he wishes to further strengthen the “kizuna” between Japan and the Pacific Island countries, to discuss cooperation aligned with the “2050 Strategy for Blue Pacific Continent,” and to make the meeting an opportunity to communicate domestically as well as internationally the direction that Japan and the Pacific Island countries are taking together.
  2. Prime Minister Kishida extended his condolences for those who were affected by the landslide disaster in May, and stated his wish to further strengthen the bilateral relations toward the Japan-Papua New Guinea 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations. Prime Minister Kishida also expressed his gratitude for ensuring stable access for Japanese fishing vessels in the waters of Papua New Guinea and conveyed the decision to provide fishery research vessel as well as fishery equipment. Both leaders have also welcomed progress in defense cooperation. Prime Minister Marape expressed his hope for successful PALM 10, as well as his gratitude to the Government and people of Japan for Japan’s cooperation and stated that he looked forward to enhanced cooperation between the two countries.
  3. Both leaders also discussed ALPS treated water. Prime Minister Kishida explained that Japan would continue its efforts to ensure safety, and Prime Minister Marape expressed once again his confidence in Japan’s measures to secure it.
  4. Both leaders also exchanged candid views on various regional issues.

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