Courtesy call by Prime Minister Kishida on President Steinmeier of the Federal Republic of Germany (Summary)

July 12, 2024
[Provisional Translation]

On July 12, commencing at 3:35 p.m.for approximately 60 minutes, which included a tête-à-tête (one-on-one meeting), Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who was visiting Berlin, paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany and exchanged views. The overview of the meetings is as follows.

1. Beginning
  At the outset, Federal President Steinmeier welcomed PM Kishida's visit to Germany. PM Kishida stated that he had been looking forward to meeting the President since the latter’s last visit to Japan in November 2022, and expressed his gratitude for the President's warm welcome.
  PM Kishida also noted that as the international community faces severe challenges, both countries, sharing values and principles, have major roles to play in maintaining and strengthening a free and open international order based on the rule of law, and expressed his desire to discuss to deepen bilateral cooperation and partnership further.

2. Cooperation in Security and Defense
  Prime Minister Kishida stated that it is very encouraging that Germany is strengthening its involvement in the Indo-Pacific.
  The two sides welcomed dispatches of assets of the forces of Germany and Japan planned in this summer, and shared the intentin to deepen bilateral cooperation in security, taking advantage of the entry into force of the Japanese-German ACSA on July 12.

3. Regional Situations
  The two sides discussed the situation in Ukraine and shared the recognition that it is important for the international community, including Japan and Germany, to work together to continue strong support for the country.
  The two sides also had a frank exchange of views including military cooperation between Russia and North Korea in the Indo-Pacific.

4. Multilateral Diplomacy
  The two sides also exchanged views on UN Security Council reform and efforts toward a "world without nuclear weapons" and confirmed that the two countries will continue to work closely together.

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