Summit on Peace in Ukraine (Summary)

June 15, 2024

[Provisional translation]

On the afternoon of 15 June local time, during his visit to Switzerland, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan attended the opening plenary session of Summit on Peace in Ukraine. The overview is as follows.

1. Summit on Peace in Ukraine was held by the Swiss government for the first time since the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine to promote international discussions for realizsatiing a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukriane, with the attendance of many leader level, including Mr. Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine, of more than 100 countries and international organizations from various parts of the world. From Japan, Prime Minister Kishida attended to the opening plenary session on the evening of 15 May (local time).

2. During the session, Prime Minister Kishida stated that he was pleased to see the Summit being taken place today on the basis of the discussion in G7 Hiroshima June last year while noting that the four principles, including upholding the principles of the United Nations Charter, such as sovereignty and territorial integrity, had been confirmed through the discussions with President Zelenskyy and leaders of the invited countries at the last year’s Summit in Hiroshima.

3. Following this, Prime Minister Kishida emphasized that peace in Ukraine should be a “just and lasting peace” based on international law, including UN Charter and should not be the one that justifies unilateral attempts to change the status
quo by force or coercion as well as achieving such a “just and lasting peace” in Ukraine is symbolically important in leading the entire international community towards a world of cooperation, not that of division and confrontation.

4. Prime Minister Kishida also stated that Japan would actively contribute to the discussions on nuclear safety as a co-chair, which is one of the main themes of this Summit. He also stated that Japan would step up its efforts in the areas of electricity and mine action touching upon the importance of humanitaaian issues. Prime Minister Kishida then stated that Japan would host an international conference on Ukraine mine action next year, and that Japan will continue to contribute in this field uin a uniquely Japanese way.

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