Conversation between Prime Minister Kishida and President Milei (Summary)

June 14, 2024

[Provisional translation]

On June 14 (June 14, local time), Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who is visiting Apulia, Italy to attend the G7 Apulia Summit, had a conversation for approximately 5 minutes with H. E. Mr. Javier MILEI, President of the Argentine Republic.

1. At the outset, Prime Minister Kishida expressed his pleasure to have the first meeting with President Milei, and stated that Japan would like to support Argentina’s sustainable growth as economic and fiscal reforms and other measures are implemented in the country.

2. Prime Minister Kishida also expressed his desire to develop relations with Argentina in areas such as food, minerals and energy, and expressed his expectations for the early entry into force of the Tax Convention and the Investment Agreement.

3. President Milei explained the reform efforts undertaken by his administration.

4. The two leaders concurred on promoting cooperation in the international arena between Japan and Argentina as "strategic partners" who share values and principles.


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