Prime Minister Kishida’s Telephone Talk with Prime Minister Wong of Singapore (Summary)

May 16, 2024

[Provisional translation]


On May 16, for about 15 minutes from 1:05 pm, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, held a telephone talk with H.E. Mr. Lawrence Wong, Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore. The overview of the talks is as follows:

  1. At the outset, Prime Minister Kishida extended his congratulations to Prime Minister Lawrence Wong on his inauguration as Prime Minister yesterday and stated that he would work together to further develop Japan-Singapore relations.
  2. Prime Minister Kishida also stated that Japan-Singapore relations have made steady progress through mutual visits at his level for the two consecutive years, that the range of cooperation areas between the two countries is expanding, and that the two countries are important partners working together on challenges faced by the region and the international community. He then stressed the importance of coordination with Singapore.
  3. In response, Prime Minister Wong expressed his gratitude for Prime Minister Kishida's words of congratulations and stated that he would like to work with Prime Minister Kishida to promote cooperation in a broad range of fields and elevate the amicable Japan-Singapore relations to a higher level.
  4. Both sides concurred on working together on various issues to further strengthen bilateral relations.


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