Japan-Belgium Summit Meeting (Summary)

July 13, 2023
[Provisional translation]

On July 13, commencing at 8:40 a.m. (local time; 3:40 p.m. JST), for approximately 65 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who was visiting Belgium, held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Alexander De Croo, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium. The overview is as follows. H.E. Ms. Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and the Federal Cultural Institutions of the Kingdom of Belgium also attended the meeting.

  1. Prime Minister Kishida stated that Belgium is a strategic partner, with which Japan shares values and principles, and that he would like to work closely with Belgium in responding to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and in maintaining and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law. In response, Prime Minister De Croo expressed his desire to further strengthen the good Japan-Belgium reations in various areas.

  2. Prime Minister Kishida, while touching upon the economic mission led by Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid last December, expressed his pleasure at the progress of cooperation with Belgium in economic fields such as offshore wind power, hydrogen, DX, semiconductors among others. The two leaders concurred on continuing to further develop the traditional friendship based on the close relationship between the Imperial and Royal Families. They also confirmed to work closely on cooperation through NATO and EU.

  3. The two leaders exchanged views on the response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and on regional affairs, including China and North Korea, and concurred on continuing to coordinate in dealing with North Korea, including nuclear and missiles issues such as today's ICBM-class ballistic missile launch as well as the abductions issue, among others.

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