Meeting between Prime Minister Kishida and President Nausėda of the Republic of Lithuania (Summary)

July 12, 2023
[Provisional translation]

On July 12, commencing at 4:40 p.m. (local time;10:40 p.m. JST) for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, who was visiting Lithuania to attend the NATO Summit, held a meeting with H.E. Dr. Gitanas Nausėda, President of the Republic of Lithuania. The overview is as follows.

  1. At the outset, Prime Minister Kishida expressed his respect for President Nausėda's leadership in hosting the NATO Summit. He also stated that he would like to further deepen cooperation with Lithuania in responding to Russia's aggression against Ukraine and in maintaining and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law.

  2. Prime Minister Kishida, referring to the upgrading of the relationship with Lithuania to a "strategic partnership" last year, expressed his intention to work together and cooperate with Lithuania toward the realization of a "free and open Indo-Pacific."

  3. The two leaders also exchanged views on the response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and on the regional affairs including China and confirmed that they would continue to work closely together.

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