Progress Report on the Implementation
of the Y2K Action Plan

February 1999
Cabinet Councilors' Office on Internal Affairs

The Y2K Action Plan (adopted by the Advanced Information and Telecommunications Society Promotion Headquarters on September 11, 1998) sets forth the following actions to be taken against the Y2K problem.
While progress has been achieved in regard to actions to be taken in conformance with the Action Plan, a further intensified effort should be made in the application of the Action Plan.

I Dissemination of Y2K action information

(1) Government information campaign

Public notices on the Y2K problem have been circulated by the government through various media such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio in a concentrated manner since October 1998 to the present. For Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) (2) Dissemination of information at individual ministries and agencies

Efforts are made at individual ministries and agencies to thoroughly disseminate information on actions to be taken against the Y2K problem by holding presentations on behalf of corporations and supervisory industry associations within their authority, by issuing communiques and by distributing brochures.

II Action taken at federal ministries and agencies and requests issued to local governments

(1) Progress achieved by ministries and agencies, and special corporations.

The status of progress that has been achieved so far with respect to systems with a high degree of priority such as systems closely related to essential public services (hereafter referred to as "priority systems") among computer systems owned by the ministries and agencies, and special corporations as follows (mostly as of November 1, some as of December)

(2) Progress achieved by local governments

The statuses of progress achieved in regard to measures taken with respect to computer systems owned by local governments are as follows

III Progress achieved by the private sectors of particular importance and small to medium sized enterprises

(1) Statuses of actions taken in the private sectors of particular importance

The administrative ministries and agencies have requested that the private sectors of particular importance (i.e., finance, energy, telecommunications, transportation and health care) take full measures against the Y2K problem. The status of the progress made in individual sectors are as follows.

The figures corresponding to "in operation," "modifications completed," "simulation tests completed" and "contingency plans in place" each indicate the ratio relative to the entire number of companies. The figures corresponding to "simulation test progress rates" each indicate the average percentage of systems on which the simulation tests have been completed per company.

(2) Status of actions taken at small and medium size enterprises

The statuses of actions that have been taken by small to medium size enterprises are as follows (as of October to December). (Reference) National Ministries' and Agencies' Y2K budgets

Request for the allocation of budgeted funds for fulfilling the requirements for the expected expenditures for the implementation of the Y2K Action Plan such as

(1) the cost of modifications to government-owned computer systems and simulation tests;
(2) promotional incentives and financial aid for modification of special status corporation-owned computer systems and simulation tests;
(3) aid to local governments; and
(4) financial aid to private sector entities such as small to medium size enterprises, are being deliberated.

IV Structuring information dissemination systems

(1) Structuring systems through which measures are taken against the Y2K problem

At each of the federal ministries and agencies (total of 26 ministries and agencies) that are affected by the Y2K problem, a system through which measures are taken against the Y2K problem in an inter-ministry manner has been established under the responsibility of a supervisor, a post having an official ranking equivalent to or above that of the chief secretary, (eg. "Y2K Measures Promotion Headquarters" "Information Dissemination Promotion Headquarters Y2K Measures Working Group," etc.)

(2) Creation of home pages related to the Y2K problem

The home page provided by the Prime Minister's office on the Y2K problem and the home pages of the 22 federal ministries and agencies are linked. In addition, the home pages of the individual ministries and agencies are linked with those of related administrative organizations. Through these links, information on the status of measures that have been taken with respect to the systems owned by the federal ministries and agencies and special status corporations, etc. is disclosed. At the same time, information on the actions that have been taken in the private sector in related areas is provided. (3) Establishing Y2K information desks

A Y2K information desk has been established at each of the 26 ministries and agencies affected by the Y2K problem. Through the Y2K information desks, any inquiries regarding Y2K should be answered thoroughly and information should be provided to the public.

V International actions

(1) Establishing a Japan-U.S. Cooperation on Y2K Conversion

Following the Japan-U.S. summit meeting held on September 22, Mr. John Koskinen, Chair of the President's Council on Y2K Conversion, and Mr. Kazuhiko Takeshima, Chief Cabinet Councilor on Internal Affairs, agreed upon the establishment of the Japan-U.S. joint working groups on five important sectors (finance, energy, telecommunications, transportation and health care) and overall coordination group to facilitate an exchange of information on measures taken against the Y2K problem.
In the area of transportation, Japan-U.S. interoperability tests were conducted on ATS Interfocility Data Communication systems in October 1998.

(2) Measures taken at international organizations, etc.

An APEC ministerial joint communique and an APEC summit declaration were respectively adopted at the APEC cabinet minister meeting and a private summit meeting held from November 14 to 18 in Malaysia. In the communique and the declaration, it has been agreed that the participating nations and regions will extend cooperation with one another to take measures against the Y2K problem based upon the recognition of the inherent danger of the Y2K problem which may cause immense confusion in the economic, trade and financial worlds and the urgency with which the Y2K problem must be dealt with.

VI Future actions

Further intensified efforts must be made in the future to promote awareness among the general public, implementation of integrated inspection (implementation of simulation tests, setting forth crisis management plans, etc.) and voluntary information disclosure that are outlined in the Y2K Action Plan.
In order to implement the Action Plan in an aggressive and effective manner, deliberations are to be made on common objectives to be achieved by the private and public sectors and on inter-industry levels through cooperation in administrative terms.
Efforts must be made to contribute to prevention of confusion caused by the Y2K problem on an international level through full recognition of the importance of an open approach based upon an international point of view.

(Reference) Dissemination of information on measures being taken against the Y2K problem

(Prime Minister's office)
An informative campaign was put into effect through various media such as newspapers (October 23, 24), television (October 2, 11, November 14), radio (October 4), government publication (October) targeted for the general public. In addition, requests have been issued to nonprofit foundations and the like that the Prime Minister's office administers that they take appropriate measures.

(National Police Agency)
Instructions have been issued to individual prefectural police headquarters that appropriate measures be taken in conformance to the Action Plan including the establishment of appropriate systems through which such measures can be effected. In addition, efforts have been extended to ensure that awareness of the Y2K problem is achieved and the situation is accurately understood by all licensed corporations and the like, that the National Police Agency administers. The supervisory industrial associations play an active role in ensuring that businesses in the related areas have full awareness and full understanding of the Y2K problem.

(Management and Coordination Agency)
Information exchange has been effected and the importance of taking thorough measures has been emphasized at the conference of administrative information system managers from individual ministries and agencies. Written requests have been issued to corporations under its control that a thorough awareness of the Y2K problem be achieved and full measures against it be taken.

(Hokkaido Development Agency)
Written requests have been issued to special status corporations under its control to take full measures against the Y2K problem.

(Defense Agency)
Written requests have been issued to corporations under its control that full awareness of measures to be taken against the Y2K problem be achieved.

(Economic Planning Agency)
Written requests have been issued to corporations under its control to take full measures against the Y2K problem.

(Science and Technology Agency)
Written requests that thorough awareness of the Y2K problem be achieved and full measures be taken to the following organizations under its control: 6 test and research organizations; 5 special status corporations; 1 authorized corporation; 5 designated corporations; 82 non-profit foundations other than the designated corporations; 24 business operations under governmental regulations in conformance to relevant regulatory statutes such as operators of nuclear reactors and the Central Council for the Prevention of Radiation-Related Disorders, which is an association organized by business operators that are under regulatory supervision in conformance to Radiation-Related Disorder Prevention Statutes.

(Environment Agency)
Notices have been issued through administrative departments to the two special status corporations under its control and the three nonprofit foundations that handle national projects. In addition, separate presentations and meetings are planned to be individually held on behalf of particularly important organizations that belong to this agency. Furthermore, special presentations are scheduled to be held on the Y2K issue on behalf of organizations under its control and local governments.

(Okinawa Development Agency)
Requests have been issued to corporations under its control that appropriate measures be taken.

(National Land Agency)
Written requests have been issued to corporations under its control that thorough measures be taken against the Y2K problem.

(Finance Supervisory Agency)
In order to fully inform the financial institutes of the gravity of this issue, the agency has urged the financial institutes to handle the problem in an aggressive manner at every opportunity, for an exchange of views. In addition, instructions that compel a progress report at the end of each quarter after June, 1998, were issued (July), a revised checklist to be used in the financial inspection was disclosed (August), administrative guidelines in regard to measures to be taken against financial institutes that are late in taking the necessary measures against the Y2K problem were set forth and announced (September) and written notices were issued to institutes under its control in regard to the Action Plans in place by the government (September).

(Ministry of Justice)
Written notices have been issued to individual organizations under its control and nonprofit foundations (4 foundations) that are required to take measures against the Y2K problem to ensure that thorough awareness of the issue be achieved.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Written directions have been issued to a total of 2 special status corporations under its control as well as 239 nonprofit foundations to ensure that necessary measures be taken against the Y2K problem.

(Ministry of Finance)
Opinions are actively exchanged among the Ministry of Finance, the Finance Supervisory Agency, the Bank of Japan, the Stock Exchange, self-regulatory associations and individual supervisory industry associations in regard to the trading and settlement systems of capital and stocks. Four runs of external connection tests (industry-wide tests) are scheduled to be conducted in December 1998, and in February, May and June 1999 with major system operators such as the Bank of Japan, the National Bank Association and the Tokyo Stock Exchange participating.
In addition, requests have been issued to operators engaged in alcohol, tobacco and salt businesses through industrial associations in the relevant areas that full awareness of the Y2K problem be achieved and thorough measures be taken against it.

(Ministry of Education)
Written notices and requests have been issued to approximately 2,700 organizations and associations under its control to ensure that full understanding of the Action Plan be achieved and thorough measures be taken by those organizations and associations including the subsidiary organizations. Requests have been made that campaign articles be carried in 38 publications that are published regularly by the ministry and associated organizations.
A manual to the Y2K compliance for medical institutions of national universities were sent to public and private university-operated medical institutions (December 21, 1998). Seminar for the officials in these national institutions were held (January 19, 1999).

(Ministry of Health and Welfare)
Written requests have been issued to manufacturers of medical devices and to medical institutes in individual prefectures to ensure that full awareness of the Y2K problem be achieved and thorough measures against the Y2K problem be taken. In addition, the same document was sent to 20 related associations to ensure further awareness of the issue in the area of health care.
Guidelines and a manual have been prepared to be utilized by national hospitals and sanatoriums to ensure fail-safe handling of the Y2K problem, and they have been put into the ministerial home page so that it can be used as a reference by other medical institutes.

(Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
Requests have been issued to supervisory associations under its control in critical private sectors to ensure that their subsidiary associations and businesses achieve full awareness of the Y2K problem and take full measures against it. Requests and the like have been issued to other industries under its control to ensure awareness of the Y2K problem at a level comparable to that achieved by the subsidiary associations and businesses.

(Ministry of International Trade and Industry)
Written requests have been issued to approximately 799 associations under its control to ensure that businesses under their umbrellas achieve full awareness of the Y2K problem and take full industry-wide measures against it. A further written notice has been issued to 44 major businesses in the energy industry to request a thorough handling of the issue. A total of 11 presentations has been held for individual regional trade and industry blocks nationwide. 30,000 copies of a brochure have been prepared and distributed.
250,000 copies of a brochure on policies on aiding small and medium size enterprises have been prepared and distributed to approximately 3,600 organizations. In addition, enhanced guidance has been provided through a small and medium size business guidance supervisory organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, requests have been made to parent companies to ensure that their contractors achieve full awareness of the Y2K problem and active public relations activities have been carried on in magazines, etc.

(Ministry of Transport)
Written requests have been issued to 44 associations under its control to ensure that thorough awareness is achieved by businesses under their supervision and thorough industry-wide measures be taken against the Y2K problem. In addition, 12 self-governing organizations, 2 corporations, 31 associations, 31 enterprises and 7 individuals have been directly contacted to ensure that they achieve full awareness of the Y2K problem. A questionnaire which also helped promote awareness was conducted on 5 corporations, 439 enterprises and approximately 800 individuals. An article on the subject has been carried in two publications.

(Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications)
Telecommunications Y2K task group consist of some telecommunications operators and associations related to telecommunications has been organized, and its member associations have been requested to promote awareness of the Y2K problem over their members and to make telecommunication operations have been urged to conduct voluntary overall check and review. This task group also contributed to ensuring that measures are taken at an early stage in a reliable manner through exchange of information on the status of progress and approach.
In addition, requests have been issued to ensure that businesses in broadcasting industry through their supervisory associations to ensure that they achieve thorough awareness of the Y2K problem and that they conduct voluntary comprehensive inspection and, as a result, the business operators in the broadcasting industry have been prompted to take necessary measures without delay.

(Ministry of Labor)
Requests are to be issued to associations under its control to ensure that thorough awareness of the Y2K problem is achieved and that full industry-wide measures are taken against it. In addition, a survey is to be conducted to ascertain the situation related to the indication issue.

(Ministry of Construction)
Various conferences have been held within the ministry including the regional construction bureaus, in regard to measures to be taken by facilities under its control, to ensure that the instructions issued by the ministry in regard to the measures against the Y2K problem would be thorough and effective. In addition, written requests have been issued to approximately 170 associations under its control to ensure full awareness and to provide guidance outlines.

(Ministry of Home Affairs)
Requests have been issued at national gubernatorial conferences, conferences of managers from local governments and the like to emphasize the importance of rapid action. In addition, written requests have been issued to local governments to ensure that they take measures without delay in conformance to the "Guidelines for Coping with the Year 2000 Computing Problems." Also, the status of progress that has been main in regard to the measures has been surveyed and the results of the survey have been published.
Furthermore, special local allocation taxes have been set starting in fiscal 1997, to meet the cost of measures such as program modification and to encourage local governments to take a positive approach to the issue. In addition, the guideline for implementation of their action plans including contingency plans will be prepared soon by the Ministry of Home Affairs. Information is provided in the home pages of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
