Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
- *Functions
- The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) is responsible for all policies covering the nation's various industries and foreign trade (expect for agricultural products and foods) and energy.
MITI is organized into three industrial bureaus dealing with different industries - Basic Industries Bureau (iron and steel, chemicals, etc), Machinery and Information Industries Bureau (electronics, machinery, autos, etc) and Consumer Goods and Service Industries Bureau (textile, paper, housing and services). In addition, there are the Industrial Policy Bureau which promotes industries as a whole, the International Trade Policy Bureau which negotiates with foreign countries on bilateral and multilateral bases, the International Trade Administration Bureau, and the Environmental Protection and Industrial Location Bureau.
MITI's agencies and organizations are the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, the Patent Office, and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency- **Web site contents
- The Ministry's weekly press releases, press conference materials, "Current Topics" which explains current MITI issues, as well as a list of MITI's publications, various statistics and reports in English.
Agency of Natural Resources and Energy
- *Functions
- The Agency of Natural Resources and Energy stabilizes energy resource supplies, leads energy suppliers/consumers to shift to more environment-friendly resources and processes, and builds an efficient energy supply system from a total point of view.
- **Web site contents
- (Not available in English)
Japanese Patent Office
- *Functions
- The Japanese Patent Office examines and approves (or rejects) patent applications for four kinds of "industrial properties" -- inventions, utility models, design patents and trade marks, -- thereby protecting those intellectual property rights.
Japan was the first country in the world to computerize the patent application system.
This Office also provides technical information, including advice on patents not yet being used, in order to stimulate industrialists to create new businesses.- **Web site contents
- This site provides press releases, FAQs, patent information services, procedural guide, statistics, reports, and more.
Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
- *Functions
- Of all Japanese industrial and business entities, 99% are small and medium-sized, and their employees represent 78% of the Japanese workforce. The Small and Medium Enterprise Agency serves to improve the business environment of these enterprises and to stimulate their creativity and agility.
The Agency also provides these businesses with finance and credit, supports their R&D and utilization of information technology, and assists in the redevelopment of shopping arcades of small retailers.- **Web site contents
- This Agency operates Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Information of Japan (SME). Through this service, the Agency provides information on restructuring methods, web links to small enterprises associations, industrial test laboratories and local autonomies' research organs; a search engine to locate specific items of product information for each industry, and more.
Agency of Industrial Science and Technology
- *Functions
- The Agency of Industrial Science and Technology is an organization under MITI which plans R&D polices and projects in the area of industrial science and technology.
This Agency promotes R&D at the National Laboratories, supports private R&D activities, and enhances R&D through Industry-Academia-Government cooperation.- **Web site contents
- Besides providing links to 15 national institutes, they provide a complete list of technologies and information services that this Agency is engaged in.
A space is provided to introduce R&D projects currently in progress.
Ministry of Transport
- *Functions
- The Ministry of Transport (MOT) is responsible for all matters relating to land, sea, and air traffic and transportation, plus maritime safety and meteorological services --- chiefly the construction and maintenance of railways, seaports, airports and other traffic arteries and hubs that serve as social infrastructure, the construction of expressways and local traffic systems, and the review of safety and environmental considerations.
- **Web site contents
- How Japan deals with the development of its traffic system as an industrial and social infrastructure, partly in response to foreign countries' needs, and is developing new logistics.
Links to the latest information are "What's New," "Public Information" (details for the past two years are available), and "Information" (MOT's major activities). "Other sites" provides links to MOT-related research organizations and railway companies.
Maritime Safety Agency
- *Functions
- The Japanese Maritime Safety Agency (JMSA) was established in May 1948 to protect lives and property and maintain public order at sea. JMSA engages in round-the -clock guard and rescue operations, such as the enforcement of laws against maritime crime and rescues in cases of distress at sea; hydrographic operations, such as oceanographic studies and hydrographic surveys; aids to navigation operations, such as the construction, maintenance and operation of light and radio aids to navigation; and a wide range of other operations to ensure maritime safety and security.
- **Web site contents
- (Not available in English)