Minister of State for Disaster Management
Minister of State for National Emergency Legislation

Photo of INOUE

Kiichi INOUE

Born: May 24, 1932
Member of the House of Representatives
Hyogo 4th Constituency (elected 6 times)

1955Graduated from Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo

2003Minister of State for Disaster Management
Minister of State for National Emergency Legislation
2000Chairman, Policy Affairs Council, New Conservative Party
1996Chairman, Committee on Science and Technology, the House of Representatives (HR)
1990Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Management and Coordination Agency
1986Elected to HR (5th term)
1984Director General, Agricultural Structure Improvement Bureau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
1981Commissioner, the Meeting on Fisheries between Japan and Soviet Union and U.S.A
Director General, Oceanic Fisheries Department, Fisheries Agency, MAFF
1979Deputy Director General, MAFF
1955Entered MAFF