Minister of the Environment

Photo of SUZUKI

Shunichi SUZUKI

Born: April 13, 1953
Registered Domicile: Iwate Prefecture
Member of the House of Representatives
Iwate 2nd Constituency (elected 4 times)

March 1977Graduated from School of Education, Waseda University

April 1977National Federation of Fisheries Co-operative Associations (until March 1985)
April 1985Secretary to Mr. Zenko Suzuki, Member of the House of Representatives (HR)
February 1990Elected to the HR (39th General Election)
March 1990Chairman, Promotion Division of the National Campaign Headquarters, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) (until November 1991)
November 1991Director, Committee on Judicial Affairs, HR (until January 1993)
July 1993Elected to the HR (40th General Election)
August 1993Director, Special Committee on Disasters, HR (until January 1994)
September 1993Deputy Chairman, National Campaign Headquarters, LDP (until March 1995)
July 1994Director, Special Committee on Disasters, HR (until September 1994)
July 1994Director, Local Organization Bureau of the National Organization Committee (Until March 1995)
July 1994Director, Committee on Communications, HR (until October 1994)
October 1994Director, Committee on Health and Welfare (until September 1996)
October 1994Director, Fisheries Division, LDP (until October 1996)
February 1996Deputy Director-General, Personnel Bureau, LDP (until October 1996)
October 1996Elected to the HR (41st General Election)
November 1996Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Health and Welfare (until September 1997)
August 1998Director, Social Affairs Division, LDP (until October 1999)
June 2000Elected to the HR (42nd General Election)
December 2000Deputy Chairman, Policy Research Council, LDP (until January 2001)
January 2001Chairman, Committee on Health, Labor and Welfare, HR (until January 2002)
January 2002Deputy Secretary-General, LDP
January 2002Director, Committee on Health, Labor and Welfare, HR
September 2002Minister of the Environment