Minister of Justice

Photo of Moriyama


Born : November 7, 1927, Tokyo
Member of the House of Representatives
Constituency : Kita-Kanto Proportional Representation District

1947Graduated from Foreign Language Department, Tsuda College
1950 Graduated from Department of Law, Tokyo University

1950Entered the service of the Ministry of Labor
1974Appointed Director-General of the Women and Minors Bureau, the Ministry of Labor
1980Resigned from the Ministry of Labor
1980Elected to the House of Councillors
1984Senior State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
1985Attended the World Conference on United Nations Decade for Women as Head of the Japanese Delegation (Nairobi, Kenya)
1986Re-elected to the House of Councillors
1987Chairman, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Councillors
1989Appointed Minister of State (Director-General of the Environment Agency)
1989Chief Cabinet Secretary (Minister of State)
1992Elected to the House of Councillors for the third time
1992Appointed Minister of Education
1996Elected to the House of Representatives
1997Deputy Chairman, General Council, Liberal-Democratic Party
1998Deputy Chairman, Policy Research Council, Liberal Democratic Party
2000Re-elected to the House of Representatives
2000Chairman, Research Commission on the Education System,Liberal-Democratic Party
2000Acting Chairman, General Council, Liberal-Democratic Party
2001Appointed Minister of Justice
2002Appointed Minister of Justice