Minister of State for Disaster Management
Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission

Photo of Murai


Born : March 28, 1937, Nagano Prefecture

1959Graduated from Faculty of Economics, Tokyo University

1959Entered Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
1966First Secretary, Embassy of Japan, Lagos
1973Director, Machinery Insurance Division, MITI
1976Counselor, Embassy of Japan, Canberra
1979Director, Trade Finance Division, MITI
1981Director, Coordination Division, Defence Agency
1984Director-General, Export Insurance Division, MITI
1985Deputy Director-General, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology
1986Elected to the House of Representatives (HR)
Member, Standing Committee on Finance
1988Director, Standing Committee on Finance
Deputy Director-General, International Bureau, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
1991Returned to the HR (2nd term)
Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Ministry of Finance
1993Returned to the HR (3rd term)
1995Deputy Cairman, Government Preparatory Committee
1996Returned to the HR (4th term)
1998Chairman, Committee on Finance
1999Senior Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Financial Reconstruction Commission
2000Returned to the HR (5th term)
2001Minister of State for Disaster Management, Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission