Prime Minister's News Update

Wednesday, June 30

Wednesday, June 30

Members of UNAMET Team Report to Prime Minister
Before Leaving for East Timor

The members of a Japanese team bound for East Timor as part of the United Nations Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) reported to Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi at the prime minister's official residence before their departure. UNAMET was formed to organize and oversee a referendum scheduled for late August to determine the will of the East Timorese in regard to special autonomy within Indonesia.

In accordance with the International Peace Cooperation Law, Japan was contributing six members to UNAMET, three civilian police officers and three liaison officers from the Prime Minister's Office, to advise the Indonesian police and carry out other duties. Some team members were to leave on July 1 and the rest on July 4, and the team was scheduled to return to Japan in early September. The prime minister told the team members, "Your work is an important part of international peace efforts centered on the U.N. We will provide the backup you need so that you can concentrate on your duties without worrying."

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