Chief Cabinet Secretary
Minister of State for the Abduction Issue

Photo of Yosano


Date of birth: August 22, 1938
Member of the House of Representatives
Constituency: Tokyo Prefecture 1st district (Elected 9 times)

1963Graduated from Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo

2007Chief Cabinet Secretary
Minister of State for the Abduction Issue
2005Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy and Financial Services
2004Chairman, Policy Research Council, Liberal Democratic Party
1998Minister of International Trade and Industry
1996Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary
1994Minister of Education
1993Chairman, Standing Committee on Rules and Administration (H.R.)
1984Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry
1976First elected to the House of Representatives (H.R.)
(Has been elected nine times)
1970Private Secretary to the Director-General of the Defense Agency, Mr. Nakasone