Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications
Minister of State for Decentralization Reform, Privatization of the Postal Services

Photo of Suga

Yoshihide SUGA

Date of birth: December 6, 1948
Member of the House of Representatives
Constituency: Kanagawa Prefecture 2nd district (Elected 4 times)

1973Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Hosei University

December 2006Minister of State for Decentralization Reform [Additional Post]
2006Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister of State for Privatization of the Postal Services
2005Senior Vice-Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications
2004Chairman, Diet Affairs Committee, LDP
2003Parliamentary Secretary for International Trade and Industry
2002Parliamentary Secretary for Land, Infrastructure and Transport
2001Deputy Secretary-General, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
1996Elected to the House of Representatives (since then, elected for four terms)
1987Elected as a Member of Yokohama City Council
1984Secretary to the Minister for International Trade and Industry
1975Secretary to Rep. OKONOGI Hikosaburo