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Official Residence

In Japan, which is surrounded on all sides by water, fishery has been the main industry throughout history. While Japan has one of the highest standards in the consumption of fishing products per capita in the world, the current self-sufficiency rate has decreased to almost 50% due to the deterioration of the resources conditions in the surrounding waters, and strengthening of the international regulations on distant-war fisheries.

The duty of the Fisheries Agency is to develop policies to activate the fishing industry. "Fisheries where fish are propagated and raised" is one of such policies, and the Agency has been promoting the establishment of fish shelter and breeding farms, as well as the development of the technology to produce and release seeds. The Agency also implements appropriate fishing restrictions through consultations with fishery workers. In addition to striving to revitalize fishing villages through the development of fishing ports and living environments, the Agency puts forth effort in areas of interest for the consumers, such as conducting public relations activities on nutritional characteristics, providing fishing products that match the people's needs and developing school lunch menus.

From Fishery to Obtain to Fishery to Raise