Official Residence TOP
Official Residence

(Provisional Translation)

Committee on Social Security Review

July 27, 2004
Approved by the Chief Cabinet Secretary
In order for the social security system to be sustainable in the long-run, the system as a whole must be reviewed in a comprehensive manner, including the burden such as tax and insurance premiums and benefits. For this purpose, the "Committee on Social Security Review" (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") shall be convened with the participation of experts in the field.
2.Items for Consideration
(1)Basic ideas on social security
- Fundamental role of the social security system in peoples' lives
- Sustainability of the system; its relationship with the economy and employment; nature of families and communities
(2)Benefits and burdens
- Target cost of social security benefits from mid-term perspective
- Burdens and benefits of taxes and insurance premiums
- Extent of public benefits
- Adjustments within each system
- Structure of the pension system
- Effective operation of the system
(1) The Committee shall consist of the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, Minister of Finance, Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry as well as the experts noted in the Annex.
(2)The Chief Cabinet Secretary shall preside over the Committee with assistance from the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.
(3)The Committee may request the attendance of the ministers concerned and other concerned parties where necessary.
The administrative affairs of the Committee shall be handled by the Cabinet Secretariat.