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Speeches and Statements by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi

(Provisional translation)

Press Conference by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi

November 19, 2003

At the general election for the House of Representatives on November 9, I have received the mandate of the people of Japan. A leadership ballot took place today in the House of Representatives, and it is my honor once again to bear the heavy responsibilities of Prime Minister. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation in this regard.

Since my inauguration as Prime Minister two-and-a-half years ago, I have advanced reform under policies of "without reform there will be no growth", "leave to the private sector what it can do" and "leave to the localities what they can do." Having planted these seeds of reform, I resume my heavy responsibilities as Prime Minister at a time when the buds of reform are now coming to be seen. With the understanding and support of the people of Japan, I will continue to exert my utmost effort to promote reform.

Upon my initial appointment as Prime Minister, I quoted the Chinese philosopher Mencius who said, "when about to place a great responsibility on a person, heaven may test one with hardship and frustrated efforts in order to toughen one's nature and shore up deficiencies." It is always the case that heaven test one with hardship and frustrated efforts in placing great responsibility on a person. I must endure these tests and hardships. If I am to fulfill my weighty responsibilities, I must endure all manner of difficulties, thereby vigorously pursuing reform. I have kept this resolve firmly in my heart, ever since my inauguration.

I believe that my heavy responsibilities as Prime Minister will not change, and that I will continue to find myself amidst tension and under heavy pressure on a daily basis. However, I will not bow to the difficulties and will endure any criticism in the course of fulfilling my responsibilities as Prime Minister and nurture the buds of reform into a large tree. In this, I would like to ask for continued guidance and cooperation of the people of Japan.