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What's up around the Prime Minister

Japan-Czech Republic Summit Meeting

Thursday, August 21, 2003

The Photograph of the Leaders who Attend the Welcoming Ceremony The Photograph of Japan-Czech Republic Summit Meeting The Photograph of the Leaders who Look into a Humanoid Robot as a Goodwill Ambassador

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Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, currently visiting three countries -the Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Poland and Czech Republic- left Warsaw, Poland on the afternoon of August 20 (midnight of August 20, Japan time) and arrived at Prague, Czech Republic, the last country of his visit.

In the afternoon of August 21 (night of August 21, Japan time), Prime Minister Koizumi held talks with Mr. Vladimir Spidla, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic at the Prime Minister's Office following the welcome ceremony. During the meeting, the two leaders confirmed to strengthen the Japan-Czech relations and agreed on aiming for a peaceful and diplomatic solution on the nuclear issues of North Korea. In regard to the reconstruction of Iraq, the two leaders also agreed for Japan and the Czech Republic to work on various countries to participate in the Conference on the Reconstruction Assistance to Iraq which will be held in Spain this October.

After the meeting, the two leaders signed the "Joint Statement towards Strategic Partnership between Japan and the Czech Republic" which proclaims their cooperation over the reconstruction assistance for Iraq and prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, as well as strengthening of their bilateral relations in a wide range of fields such as politics, economy and culture. The Joint Statement was announced at the joint press conference.

At night of the same day (dawn of August 22, Japan time), a banquet hosted by Prime Minister Spidla was held at a State Guest House in Prague. Prime Minister Koizumi, in the view of the Czech writer, Karel Capek, who was first in the world to use the word "robot" in his writing, attended the banquet, along with a humanoid robot developed by a Japanese corporation as a goodwill ambassador.

Prime Minister Koizumi left for Japan on the afternoon of August 22 (midnight of August 22, Japan Time).

Link:Joint Statement towards Strategic Partnership between Japan and the Czech Republic