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What's up around the Prime Minister

Submission of Final Report by the Biotechnology Strategy Council

Friday, December 6, 20002

Prime Minister Koizumi receives the Biotechnology Strategy Guidelines

The Biotechnology Strategy Council was held at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

At the meeting, the Biotechnology Strategy Guidelines, which compile the results of discussions that have been held since July 2002, were adopted and presented to Prime Minter Junichiro Koizumi. The Guidelines list three strategies vital for the future development of biotechnology in Japan: "overwhelming enhancement of research and development," "fundamental strengthening of the industrialization process" and "thorough understanding of the people," and also list specific action plans. In addition, the Guidelines outline a vision that the fulfillment of these plans will contribute to improving the lives of the people in the three areas of "lifestyle," "diet" and "housing," and will also contribute to increasing the international competitiveness of Japan and the creation of new industries.

After receiving the Guidelines, Prime Minster Koizumi stated that he intends to pursue the biotechnology strategy as one of the top priority issues for Japan.