
Prime Minister of Commonwealth of Dominica
Pays Courtesy Call on Prime Minister

Tuesday, July 17, 2001

Photo of Prime Minister Koizumi and Prime Minister Charles of Dominica

Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs Pierre Charles of the Commonwealth of Dominica paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi at the Prime Minister's Official Residence. Prime Minister Charles stated that, "I would like to express my gratitude for the economic cooperation extended by Japan in such fields as fisheries, in addition to expressing my hopes for future expansion of this cooperation." Prime Minister Koizumi responded by stating that, "Both our countries are blessed with a glorious natural environment, and as we are both island nations enveloped by the rich marine resource, I would like for us to cooperate further on a variety of issues." The Prime Minister added, "I would like to further enhance Japan's friendly and cooperative relations with the countries of the Caribbean, including Dominica."
