Minister of State for Defense

Photo of OHNO

Yoshinori OHNO

Born: October 16, 1935
Member of the House of Representatives
Constituency: Kagawa Prefecture 3 (Elected 6 times)

1958Graduated from the University of Tokyo (Law)
1961-1963Fulbright Exchange Student at the University of Pennsylvania
(Intfl Relations)

Sep. 2004Minister of State for Defense
Nov. 2003Chairman, Research Commission on the Annuities System, LDP
Oct. 2002Chairman, Standing Committee on Rules and Administration, H.R.
Jan. 2001Senior Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Nov. 2000Senior State Secretary for Science and Technology
Oct. 1999Senior State Secretary for Finance
Sep. 1997Chairman, Standing Committee on Transport, H.R.
Jul. 1994Director, National Defense Division, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
Dec. 1990Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Posts and Telecommunications
Jul. 1986Elected as a Member of the House of Representatives
(H.R. 6 terms up to the present)
1976Director, International Organizations Section, International Finance Bureau, MOF
1971-1975First Secretary to the Permanent Delegation of Japan in Geneva
Apr. 1958Joined Ministry of Finance (MOF)