Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Minister for Nuclear Incident Economic Countermeasures

Photo of Banri KAIEDA

Date of birth: Feb.26, 1949
Birth Place: Tokyo
Political Party: Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)
House of Representatives (Elected 5 times)

Mar. 1972Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Keio University
Apr. 2011Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
Minister for Nuclear Incident Economic Countermeasures (2nd Reshuffled Kan Cabinet)
Jan. 2011Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (2nd Reshuffled Kan Cabinet)
Sep. 2010Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy
Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy
Minister for Space Policy (Reshuffled Kan Cabinet)
Jun. 2010Chairman, Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Representatives
Aug. 2009Member of the House of Representatives (5th)
Member, Committee on Budget, Security, House of Representatives
Nov. 2003Member of the House of Representatives (4th)
Director, Committee on Fundamental National Policies,
Member, Committee on Budget, House of Representatives
Jun. 2000Member of the House of Representatives (3rd)
Member, Committee on Fundamental National Policies, Budget, Financial Affairs, House of Representatives
Oct. 1996Member of the House of Representatives (2nd)
Member, Committee on Budget, Audit, Finance, House of Representatives
Sep. 1996Established Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) with Mr. Yukio HATOYAMA (the 93rd Prime Minister) and Mr. Naoto KAN (the 94th Prime Minister)
Jul. 1993Member of the House of Representatives (1st), Japan New Party(JNP)
 Secretary for a member of the House of Councilors
Economic analyst