Minister of State for Government Revitalization

Photo of RENHO

(Real Name: Ms. MURATA Renho)

Date of birth: Nov 28, 1967
Birth Place: Tokyo
Political Party: Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ)
House of Councillors (Elected 2 times)
Constituency: Tokyo

Mar. 1990Graduated from the Faculty of Law, Aoyama Gakuin University

Jul. 2004Member of the House of Councillors (1st)
Oct. 2006Director, Committee on Education, Culture and Science, House of Councillors
Sep. 2007Director, Committee on Health, Welfare and Labour, House of Councillors
May. 2009Vice Minister of State for Pensions in the Next Cabinet, DPJ
Nov. 2009Director, Committee on Education, Culture and Science, House of Councillors
Jun. 2010Minister of State for Government Revitalization (Kan Cabinet)
Jul. 2010Member of the House of Councillors (2nd)
Sep. 2010Minister of State for Government Revitalization (Reshuffled Kan Cabinet)