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Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Photograph of the meeting of the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters

Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda held the 18th meeting of the Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters at the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

At the meeting, Prime Minister Fukuda received a report on the implementation status of the Intellectual Property Strategic Program 2007 that was decided on in May this year. Following that, a discussion took place on a strategy for the Expansion of the Frontiers of Intellectual Property. The strategy sets out measures for strengthening the international competitiveness of Japan's intellectual property in the areas of technology, systems, and markets. In the area of technology, it has been decided that work will be advanced to eliminate obstacles in research and development activities. Regarding systems, discussions will take place on the role of Copyright Act in a network society, including on measures for the early resolution of issues concerning services provided for Internet searches. As for markets, the aim is to realize as early as possible a treaty for preventing the spread of counterfeit and pirated copies.

Prime Minister Fukuda said in his address that, "We will continue our efforts, based on the new principles presented today, toward becoming a world-leading nation in intellectual property. It is important that we boldly embark on the development of the underdeveloped areas of technology, markets, and systems. Your expertise and continued support is much appreciated in these endeavors."