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The Prime Minister in Action

Inauguration Ceremony and Address at the Office for Designing 100-Year Life Society

September 8, 2017

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard

Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister raising a signboard
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address

Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe raised a signboard for the Office for Designing 100-Year Life Society, and also delivered an address to the staff.

The Prime Minister said in his address,

“Human resources development (“Hito-zukuri”) can truly be called the focus of our efforts to create a society in which all citizens are dynamically engaged. Without human resources development, we will not be able to create a society in which all citizens are dynamically engaged. We have gathered you all here today to at long last begin work toward human resources development. I want all of you, under the leadership of Minister Motegi, to stand at the front lines of this issue and pave the way for a new future for Japan. For that reason, we have gathered here elite personnel, primarily young people, while senior members standing out in front.

We are approaching the 100-year life society. In this society, people will truly be at the heart of our society and the economy of Japan. Without active people, society will not make progress, the economy will not grow, and Japan can no longer be a proud country. That is exactly why we must create a society in which everyone can work toward their dreams without being affected by their family’s financial circumstances, no matter how underprivileged the household they were brought up in. I want ambitious people with the desire to take on new challenges to be able to continue their education and start new lives during the course of their 100-year life. The creation of such a society will make it possible for us to maintain and further develop this country’s vibrancy. Japan’s future rests on whether or not we can create such a society.

This is a matter of the utmost importance for the Abe administration. I hope that all of you will come together as one to work on this issue, led by Minister Motegi, and that you will produce tremendous results. Let’s do our very best together.”

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