Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > July 2015 > Headquarters for Healthcare and Medical Strategy Promotion
The Prime Minister in Action
Headquarters for Healthcare and Medical Strategy Promotion
July 21, 2015
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (2)
[Provisional Translation]
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the ninth meeting of the Headquarters for Healthcare and Medical Strategy Promotion at the Prime Minister's Office.
During the meeting, discussion was held on the implementation status of healthcare and medical strategy, and the future initiatives policy for 2015; the implementation status of the plan for the advancement of research and development in the medical field, and the future initiatives policy for 2015; and the policy for the allocation of budget and other resources related to research and development in the medical field in FY2016.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“One of the pillars of the Abe administration’s growth strategy is to realize a society of good health and longevity.
Today, as well as conducting a follow-up on the implementation status of the healthcare and medical strategy that was approved by a Cabinet decision a year ago, we have formulated new policies to strongly and steadily advance the measures incorporated in this strategy.
During the past year, specific results in cutting-edge fields have taken place in rapid succession, such as the creation of a tissue from iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells that is then implanted into a patient’s body, a world first in clinical practice; and the development of a new vaccine for the Ebola virus disease, created in collaboration with on-site organizations.
We are also rapidly expanding Japan’s medical technologies and services to other countries, and Japanese medical bases are now being established in more than ten countries.
This trend is certain to continue. By implementing seamless research assistance, from basic research all the way through to practical application, centered on the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) , which was established this April, Japan will lead the world in innovation.
I would like to request all ministers to further accelerate these measures in a nationwide effort, based on the policies formulated today. Thank you.”