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The Prime Minister in Action

The Prime Minister Observes Japan Coast Guard Drills

July 20, 2015

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing drills from aboard a ship

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing drills from aboard a ship

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing drills from aboard a ship

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing drills from aboard a ship

  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing drills from aboard a ship
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the terrorist vessel capture drill
  • Photograph of the hoist rescue drill
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the rescue drill
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the contamination containment drill
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister listening to an explanation of the contamination containment drill from a member of the Japan Coast Guard
  • Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the Japan Coast Guard Museum Yokohama

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the terrorist vessel capture drill

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the terrorist vessel capture drill

Photograph of the hoist rescue drill

Photograph of the hoist rescue drill

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the rescue drill

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the rescue drill

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the contamination containment drill

Photograph of the Prime Minister observing the contamination containment drill

Photograph of the Prime Minister listening to an explanation of the contamination containment drill from a member of the Japan Coast Guard

Photograph of the Prime Minister listening to an explanation of the contamination containment drill from a member of the Japan Coast Guard

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the Japan Coast Guard Museum Yokohama

Photograph of the Prime Minister visiting the Japan Coast Guard Museum Yokohama

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe observed Japan Coast Guard drills held in Tokyo Bay.

[Provisional Translation]

First, the Prime Minister visited a shipyard of the Tokyo Coast Guard Office , where he boarded the patrol vessel Matsunami, and then observed a terrorist vessel capture drill, water spraying drill, and hoist rescue drill performed at sea.
Afterwards, the Prime Minister moved to the Yokohama Maritime Disaster Prevention Base , where he encouraged members of the Japan Coast Guard, observed a rescue drill and contamination containment drill, and visited the Japan Coast Guard Museum Yokohama.

The Prime Minister said in his words of encouragement to members of the Japan Coast Guard,

“I am extremely pleased to have been able to observe the drills of the Japan Coast Guard today, on Marine Day.
Our expansive and beautiful seas have provided Japan with many blessings, and we will protect the peace and freedom of these waters. As I have repeatedly stated, we will resolve conflicts peacefully, based on law. That rule of law is truly embodied by all of the members of the Japan Coast Guard.

In recent years, in the area around Japan there have been many cases in which Chinese Government vessels have intruded into Japan’s territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands. And in the autumn of last year, we were faced with the pressing need to simultaneously and continuously deal with a number of issues in the territorial waters around the Ogasawara Islands, such as the presence of numerous coral poaching vessels.

The situation in territorial waters around Japan’s remote islands is now more difficult than it has ever been. In the midst of that, you, the members of the Japan Coast Guard, continue to perform your duties with constant vigilance, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I wish to again express my respect for you all.

What makes that possible is your professional skills and high morale. I was strongly reminded of this once again as I watched today’s drills. I place a great deal of trust in all of you. The depth of your skills is also put on full display in fields such as maritime accident response. In fact, this year marks the 40th anniversary of the Special Rescue Team,  which has carried out its duties in the field of maritime accidents, an area that is intrinsically very difficult to deal with; and the 20th anniversary of the National Strike Team , which has undertaken oil containment operations with precision.

The members of the Japan Coast Guard possess world-leading skills. I expect you to continue to devote yourself to training and diligently fulfil your duties.

The excellent wisdom and experience of the Japan Coast Guard is contributing to the improvement of maritime security in countries bordering sea lanes. Coast guard institutions are being established in rapid succession in Southeast Asian countries. I have high expectations that you will continue to play a leading role for the maintenance and development of open and stable seas.

I myself am resolved to continue to lead the way and work together with the Japan Coast Guard and other relevant parties, to resolutely protect the lives and property of the people, as well as Japan's territorial land, sea, and air.

Your activities are made possible by the cooperation and support of your families. I would like to end my words of encouragement by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to all the people who support you on a daily basis.”

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