Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > July 2015 > Headquarters for Promoting Decentralization Reform
The Prime Minister in Action
Headquarters for Promoting Decentralization Reform
July 14, 2015
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (2)
[Provisional Translation]
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the eighth meeting of the Headquarters for Promoting Decentralization Reform at the Prime Minister’s Office.
During the meeting, discussion took place on the implementation of the fifth round of decentralization legislation and other matters, and measures in 2015 for soliciting proposals on decentralization reform.
The Prime Minister stated the following in his opening remarks.
“Decentralization reform is an extremely important aspect of regional vitalization. This year, which marks the starting point for regional vitalization, we must strongly advance this reform even further.
The decentralization reform of the Abe Cabinet is characterized by listening carefully to the views of the regions, and fully supporting enthusiastic and creative regional initiatives.
The fifth round of legislation that was enacted in June resolved many regional issues, including the transfer of the authority to approve diversions of agricultural land to local public bodies, which the regions had been strongly hoping to realize for many years. As a result, decentralization reform has advanced considerably. I would like to sincerely thank everyone concerned for their cooperation. We will take all possible measures to ensure the smooth implementation and operation of these reforms.
Also, in this year’s solicitation of proposals, we have heard directly from local communities regarding even more specific regional issues. Based on the fundamental stance of working out how to put regional proposals into practice to achieve ‘reform for the regions through ideas by the regions,’ I would like the relevant ministers to exert powerful leadership towards the realization of the greatest amount of proposals possible. Thank you.”