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The Prime Minister in Action
Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters
June 12, 2015
[Provisional Translation]
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the 37th meeting of the Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, discussion was held on the draft revision of the policy for accelerating Fukushima's reconstruction from the nuclear disaster.
Based on the discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“There is no revitalization of Japan without the reconstruction of Fukushima. It is our responsibility to ensure that the over 110,000 people who are still living as evacuees as a result of the nuclear disaster return to their hometowns as quickly as possible and start new lives.
Since we approved the guidelines for the reconstruction of Fukushima at the end of 2013, we have seen the start of important developments towards the reconstruction of Fukushima. Specifically we have lifted the evacuation orders for Tamura City and Kawauchi Village, fully reopened the Joban Expressway, and started accepting soil at interim storage facilities. Nevertheless, I have visited Fukushima ten times and seen for myself that there are still many issues that we must address before we can achieve true reconstruction.
In accordance with the approval on this occasion, we will accelerate initiatives for making the necessary preparations such that the lifting of evacuation orders can be realized, at the very latest within 6 years from the disaster. We will also swiftly specify the vision for the future of the region. In particular, building on the revision of the Act on Special Measures for Fukushima Reconstruction and Revitalization, we will immediately begin efforts to develop new reconstruction hubs.
Furthermore, we will create a joint team consisting of members from both the public and private sectors to make in-person visits to all 8,000 business operators as an initiative for the rebuilding of industries, livelihoods, and lifestyles, and in order to support the independence of business operators, including those in primary industries.
Based on today’s revised mid- to long-term road map, we will steadily enact measures for decommissioning and contaminated water issues. I would like the relevant cabinet members to closely collaborate to that end and establish a clear path for the independence and revitalization of those affected by the disaster.”