Home > News > The Prime Minister in Action > January 2015 > Headquarters for the Promotion of Social Security System Reform
The Prime Minister in Action
Headquarters for the Promotion of Social Security System Reform
January 13, 2015
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (1)
Photograph of the Prime Minister delivering an address (2)
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held the third meeting of the Headquarters for the Promotion of Social Security System Reform at the Prime Minister’s Office.
At the meeting, discussion took place on “the framework for reforms of the medical insurance system” and “the schedule for reforms of the social security system.”
Based on today’s discussion, the Prime Minister said,
“Social security is a safety net whereby the people can have peace of mind in their daily lives, and is a cornerstone of Japan’s social economy. In order to firm up our economic recovery, I have delayed increasing the consumption tax to 10%. However, the responsibility to conduct fiscal reconstruction and to pass on to the next generation a social security system that we can be proud of before the rest of the world, lies with us.
To that end, as much as possible I will enhance social security, particularly support for children and child-rearing, as planned, and I intend to definitely raise the consumption tax to 10% in April 2017.
Aiming for the establishment of a sustainable social security system, I intend to steadily advance social security reforms in accordance with the schedule determined today. Moreover, in regard to reforms of the medical insurance system, I would like to submit a bill based on the framework compiled today, after due coordination among the ruling parties.
I would like to request that all the relevant ministers consider the viewpoint of the individual Japanese people, who both receive the benefits and bear the burden of each system, and continue to thoroughly explain the contents and significance of the reforms.
This year will be a “year to carry out reforms” with an eye on Japan’s future. As such I would like to strongly advance reforms, and request the kind cooperation of the relevant ruling parties and the relevant ministers. Thank you.”