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Awards Ceremony to Present the Prime Minister’s Commendations on Contributors to Public Safety
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hosted an annual ceremony at the Prime Minister's Office to commend individuals and organizations who have significantly contributed to public safety.
After conferring the awards, the Prime Minister said in his address,
“Congratulations to you all for your commendation as contributors to public safety today.
Today, July 1, is National Public Safety Day. It is very important that each and every person considers safety in every aspect of their daily life and works to prevent accidents and disasters.
I would like to express my deep gratitude for your devoted efforts, as people who for many years have played a leading role in the prevention of traffic accidents involving children and the elderly, safety education at schools, the enhancement of industrial safety, and the prevention of fires in the regions, among other initiatives.
While the number of people involved in traffic accidents has decreased in recent years, 40,000 people still die in accidents each year. Steady and constant efforts are required to prevent such accidents and reduce the number of accidental deaths. The Government will implement a wide range of measures aimed at helping citizens lead safer and more secure lives.
I would like to end my congratulatory remarks by requesting that you all continue to conduct your awareness-raising activities on safety. I hope that you will enjoy even greater success in the future. Thank you.”