Advisory Panel on the Supplementary Resolution on the Bill for the Special Measures Law on the Imperial House Law Concerning the Abdication of His Majesty the Emperor and Other Matters

November 30, 2021
[Provisional Translation]

On November 30, 2021, the Prime Minister held the 11th meeting of the advisory panel on the supplementary resolution for the bill for the Special Measures Law on the Imperial House Law Concerning the Abdication of His Majesty the Emperor and other matters, at the Prime Minister’s Office.

The Primer Minister said in his opening address,

"Thank you for attending the meeting today.

I also would like to express my renewed appreciation for your vigorous discussions on extremely important and delicate issues that pertain to the foundation of the state since the launch of the panel in March.

You presented future approaches to examining the issues in this past July after hearing from various people, including experts in the Imperial Household system and history. We understand that they are well compiled and are the fruits of a series of thorough and careful discussions. Based on these approaches, I request you to continue sufficient discussions toward a final report.

The Government intends to value the outcomes of your discussions. I ask for your continued cooperation.”

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